Our Services - Data Management
Detroit Clinical Research Center, PC - A Mission for a Cure © 2011
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At DCRC, we realize the importance of data management in the success, accuracy and safety of data. Therefore, we employ advanced tools led by staff with extensive experience in data management.

Our data management services include:

Database design

Forms management

Web interface and Graphical User Interface (GUI) for each study per the sponsor’s requirement

Database programming

Medical coding

Case report form design: electronic and paper versions

Data entry and status reporting

We support most commercial Electronic Data Capture software and can assist sponsors in designing and engineering a tailored EDC interface for its unique study.

Our goal in clinical trial management is to facilitate the planning, execution, and tracking of relevant clinical trial activities. We have an in-house clinical trial management solution which provides the following benefits:

Improved Process Planning

Model visit schedules

Standardized Data Collection Processes

Provide single access to multiple clinical processes including electronic data capture (EDC), data management, and adverse events reporting

Exchange protocol synopsis and other critical documents electronically and securely
Integrate with budgeting and finance applications.

Provide sites with online access to sponsor and CRO information, archived documents, and frequently asked questions (FAQs)